Waterfront Resilience Story Maps

The Port's Waterfront Resilience Program has conducted extensive studies, including the Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment, the ongoing USACE San Francisco Waterfront Coastal Flood Study, and others, to better understand the potential consequences of earthquakes and flooding, including sea level rise along the San Francisco waterfront. The Port has also heard feedback from the community on key Program priorities and which waterfront assets and services are most important.

To best share study results, adaptation considerations, and community feedback, the Port has divided its 7.5 miles of waterfront into 15 subareas.

The Port is excited to share these learnings through the Waterfront Resilience Story Maps, an interactive map-based tool that allows you to see how earthquake and flood may impact community spaces, disaster response sites and services to keep us safe in an emergency, utilities that keep the city running, and more.

Start the story from the beginning here and get the full scope of the Waterfront Resilience Story Maps.

Interested in a particular subarea? Dive in directly by clicking on the images in the table below to go to a subarea's story map and get to know more about what's at stake.

For additional information about each subarea, download its subarea profile, flood risk info, and Problems, Opportunities, Objectives, Constraints, and Considerations (POOCC) summary from the links below.

Visit the Measures Explorer to find out more about key adaptation strategies.


Aquatic Park

Subarea Profile (585.16KB) (PDF)
Flood Risk Profile (1.58MB) (PDF)
POOCC (266.68KB) (PDF)



South Beach Mission Creek Mission Rock
Mission Bay Pier 70



Pier 80 Islais Creek Cargo Way

Subarea Profile (512.63KB) (PDF)
Flood Risk Profile (1.49MB) (PDF)
POOCC (379.34KB) (PDF)

Piers 94 and 96 Heron's Head