The San Francisco Stormwater Management Requirements and Design Guidelines (SMRs) describe the requirements for post-construction stormwater management. The goal of the SMR is to protect the quality of receiving waters by managing stormwater from development that would otherwise mobilize pollutants.
- Stormwater Management Requirements and Design Guidelines – May 2016
- Appendix A: Stormwater Best Management Practice (BMP) Fact Sheets
- Appendix B: Green Infrastructure Typical Details and Specifications
- Appendix C: Criteria for Infiltration-based BMPs
- Appendix D: Vegetation Palette for Bioretention BMPs
- Appendix E: Illustrative Green Infrastructure Examples
Project Qualifications
The SMRs apply to projects that create or replace impervious surface and include, but are not limited to, the construction, modification, conversion, or alteration of any building or structure and the creation or replacement of outdoor impervious surfaces such as parking areas, driveways, or private street areas.
The SMRs do not apply to the following activities:
- Pavement maintenance activities such as top-layer asphalt grinding and repaving within the existing footprint.
- Replacement of existing sidewalks and streets dedicated to and accepted by the City.
- Interior remodeling projects.
- Re-roofing.
- Exterior wall surface replacement.
- Utility repair work requiring trenching or excavation with in-kind surface replacement.
Project Types
The SMRs apply to the following project types:
Large Projects:
New and redevelopment projects that create and/or replace ≥5,000 square feet of impervious surface in the separate and combined sewer areas; and
Small Projects:
New and redevelopment projects that create and/or replace 2,500-5,000 square feet of impervious surface in separate sewer areas.
Stormwater Control Plans
Large projects must submit a Stormwater Control Plan to the Port before starting work. For more information about SCPs please see the SFPUC website.
Inspection Requirements
Maintenance managers of completed projects are required to send yearly self-certification and inspection reports to the Port by July 31st of every year. Other inspection requirements are site-specific and will be detailed in the Stormwater Control Plan.
For more information, please contact:
Rich Berman
SF Port
Anna Brust
SF Port
(415) 274-0558
SFPUC Urban Watershed Management Program