Fisherman’s Wharf Advisory Committee (FWAC) - November 1, 2023

Virtual Meeting
    Agenda PDF
    Agenda full text

    Microsoft Team Meeting Link or join using Meeting ID

    • Telephone (Audio only): 1 415-906-4659
    • Meeting ID: 221 598 359 489
    • Passcode: taR676


    1. Member Introductions: (9:00 – 9:10am)
    2. FWAC Ground Rules for Meetings: (9:10 – 9:15am)
    3. Selection of Chair and Co-Chair: (9:15 – 9:25am)
    4. Announcements: (9:25 – 9:35am)
    • APEC and SkyStar Relocation, Kirsten Southey, Port Communications
    1. Fisherman’s Wharf Economic Recovery Strategy: Presentation by Port staff on the economic recovery efforts that are being made at Fisherman’s Wharf – Meghan Wallace, Port’s Economic Recovery Officer (9:35 – 10:05am)
    2. Wharf J9 Early Project: Presentation by the Port’s Waterfront Resilience Project (WRP) staff on the Port’s Wharf J9 early project. – Steven Reel, WRP Engineering Director (10:05 – 10:35am)
    3. Agenda Setting for Future Meetings (10:35 – 10:45am)

    *** FWAC meetings are currently being held remotely via Microsoft Teams. Below are instructions on how to participate. ***


    Virtual Meeting Protocols

    The Port is committed to ensuring that our meetings are accessible to the public, including the opportunity to participate by providing oral and written comment. The instructions below outline how members of the public can access the virtual FWAC meeting and provide public comment.


    How to Join A Virtual Meeting

    1. Join using the direct link from Agenda: Click on Join Teams Meeting in the Agenda
    2. Join using Meeting ID and Passcode: Click on Join using Meeting ID in the Agenda
            Enter the Meeting ID and Password
    3. Join by telephone (audio only): Dial 1 415-906-4659
            Enter the Meeting ID using the telephone keypad
            Dial Star 5 (*5) to Raise/lower your hand
            Dial Star 6 (*6) to Mute/unmute your line
    4. You can join the meeting from a desktop computer, mobile device, or telephone. You can learn more about Joining a Teams Meeting (you do not need an account)
      1. If you are calling in, but would like to access meeting materials, please visit the FWAC webpage and locate the specific meeting date.  
      2. We recommend that you test out your device, internet connection, and app compatibility prior to joining the meeting.


    Providing Public Comment

    1. Public comment for FWAC virtual meetings can be provided in multiple ways.
      1. Written Comments:
        1. You are welcome to submit written comments to Port staff via email. Please send to, or
        2. In the subject line of your email, indicate the Meeting Date and the topic of your comment. For an item on the agenda, please include the Meeting Date and Item Number.
      2. Oral Comments:
        1. Following committee discussion of each agenda item, Port staff will provide an opportunity for public comment.
        2. If you are joined from a computer: Use “Raise your hand" in the top toolbar to indicate you would like to comment, then unmute and comment when called upon.
        3. If are joined from a telephone, Use Star 5 (*5) to Raise/lower your hand, then Star 6 (*6) to unmute your line and comment when called upon.
        4. The FWAC meeting facilitator will announce your name or phone number if you have raised your hand, and you will be able to unmute yourself and make your comment.