The Waterfront Resilience Program includes 7 unique projects that will ensure the waterfront, and its critical regional and citywide assets, are resilient to hazards - and are increasingly accessible to everyone it serves.
As part of the identified Embarcadero Early Projects, these projects are the best positioned to move into final design and construction as early as 2024, providing opportunities for Local Business Enterprises (LBEs) and Workforce Contractors to develop relationships with primes and public agencies, prepare to submit bids, and to get work.
Take a look at the list of projects below and sign up here to stay in touch with the Waterfront Resilience Program and its opportunities.
1. Wharf J9 Replacement and Resilient Shoreline Project
Port PM: Wendy Proctor
Phase: Alternatives Analysis
Total Cost: To Be Determined
Duration: To Be Determined
Complexity: Moderate
*Cost and duration are initial planning level estimates and will be refined during Pre-Design.
Scope of Work May Include: Surveying, site investigation and existing conditions assessment, detail design, demolitions, pile installation, reclamation, soil improvements, utilities relocation and replacement, buildings relocation, paving and new berthing facilities.
2. Pier 15 Bulkhead Wall and Wharf Substructure Earthquake Safety Retrofit Project
Port PM: Matt Bell
Phase: Alternatives Analysis
Total Cost: To Be Determined
Duration: To Be Determined
Complexity: Low
*Cost and duration are initial planning level estimates and will be refined during Pre-Design.
Scope of Work May Include: Surveying, site investigation and existing conditions assessment, detail design, retrofit of structural elements, utilities relocation and replacement, piles installation.
3. Pier 9 Bulkhead Wall and Wharf Substructure Earthquake Safety Retrofit Project
Port PM: Matt Bell
Phase: Alternatives Analysis
Total Cost: To Be Determined
Duration: To Be Determined
Complexity: Low
*Cost and duration are initial planning level estimates and will be refined during Pre-Design.
Scope of Work May Include: Surveying, site investigation and existing conditions assessment, detail design, retrofit of structural elements, utilities relocation and replacement, piles installation.
4. Ferry Building Seawall and Substructure Earthquake Reliability Project
Port PM: Steven Reel
Phase: Alternatives Analysis
Total Cost: To Be Determined
Duration: To Be Determined
Complexity: High
*Cost and duration are initial planning level estimates and will be refined during Pre-Design.
Scope of Work May Include: Surveying, site investigation and existing conditions assessment, detail design, demolitions, pile installation, reclamation, soil improvements, utilities relocation and replacement, buildings relocation, paving and new berthing facilities.
5. Downtown Coastal Resilience Project
Port PM: Wendy Proctor
Phase: Alternatives Analysis
Total Cost: To Be Determined
Duration: To Be Determined
Complexity: Moderate
*Cost and duration are initial planning level estimates and will be refined during Pre-Design.
Scope of Work May Include: Surveying, site investigation and existing conditions assessment, detail design, demolitions, utilities relocation and replacement, floodproofing works, deployable flood protection systems, paving.
6. Pier 24-1/2 to Pier 28-1/2 Bulkhead Wall and Wharf Substructure Earthquake Safety Retrofit Project
Port PM: Matthew Bell
Phase: Alternatives Analysis
Total Cost: To Be Determined
Duration: To Be Determined
Complexity: Low
*Cost and duration are initial planning level estimates and will be refined during Pre-Design.
Scope of Work May Include: Surveying, site investigation and existing conditions assessment, detail design, retrofit of structural elements, utilities relocation and replacement, piles installation, floodproofing works, paving.
7. Pier 35 1/2 Emergency Firefighting Water System (EFWS) Fireboat Manifold Earthquake Reliability Project
Port PM: Matthew Bell
Phase: Needs Assessment
Total Cost: To Be Determined
Duration: To Be Determined
Complexity: Low
Scope of Work May Include: Surveying, site investigation and existing conditions assessment, detail design, demolitions, marine construction and dredging, soil improvements, new berthing facilities.
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Stay up to date with Port of San Francisco and Waterfront Resilience Program opportunities, bid timelines and more.
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Tips and Resources: Prepare Yourself for Upcoming Work
Get Your Certifications
Local Business Enterprise (LBE): All public projects in San Francisco must include LBEs for a portion of the project. This means more economic opportunity for small businesses like yours.
If you are not a certified LBE yet, you can apply at the Get Certified webpage.
More Certifications: If your business is women, minority, persons with disabilities or disabled veteran owned, you can distinguish yourself and apply for certification at the Supplier Clearinghouse webpage.
Show Off Your Excellent Work
Statement of Qualifications (SOQ): Showcase the skills, experience, and knowledge you and your team can bring to the job site. A SOQ should provide information on both your company's background and specific experiences qualifying you for a given job. Create a SOQ with your company's experience and customize it specific to the project you are bidding on.
Case Studies: To ensure your organization is best positioned to be awarded the work, begin case studies to showcase your project experience and past clients. A case study should showcase jobs where comparable work and problem-solving skills were exhibited.
References: Prepare a list of individuals that your business has worked with and that can speak to your qualifications and experience.
Strengthen Your Relationships
Grow Your Network: The Port of SF hosts events with prime contractors, and City agencies. Attending these events allows you to build relationships with the primes and put firth more competitive bids. Knowing what the primes are looking for and having an existing relationship with them will allow you to craft a stringer bid. Additional outreach to primes outside of networking events also strengthen your relationship.
Supplier Relationships: Building relationships with suppliers now will pay off in the long run. Start communication with suppliers now and find out how you can get the best unit pricing possible when it comes time to estimate material costs for a bid estimate.