Waterfront Plan

The Waterfront Plan describes the Port’s long-term goals and policies to guide the use and improvement of its piers and properties, from Fisherman’s Wharf to India Basin/Bayview. The Plan's policies are used to shape the character and benefits of waterfront development and improvement projects, and community engagement.

The Waterfront Plan was originally adopted in 1997. In 2019, the Waterfront Plan Working Group of citizen and waterfront stakeholders produced comprehensive recommendations to update the Plan, which was approved by the Port Commission in 2023. The Waterfront Plan link below presents the document in its entirety. The Quick Reference Guide link highlights the Plan’s nine goals, supporting policies, key maps, and objectives for the five subareas of the waterfront. 

The Waterfront Plan includes new policies for racial and social equity, and climate change resilience and sustainability that align with the Port’s Racial Equity Action Plan and Waterfront Resilience Program.