The level and type of historic preservation and urban design review each Port project undergoes varies by project type. Most of the Port’s significant rehabilitation projects received Federal Rehabilitation Tax Credits and were reviewed for consistency with the Secretary’s Standards for Rehabilitation by NPS. Routine Port maintenance and small tenant alteration projects are generally reviewed by Port staff for consistency with the Secretary’s Standards and in most instances do not require review by other regulatory bodies or Port advisory groups. Historic preservation is incorporated into most projects so that they are sensitive in approach and work out the significant design issues in an effort to minimize further revision of the project design when the project reaches the Port Building permit review stage. Some Port projects raise important policy or compliance issues and may warrant review by the Port’s Design Review Committee. The Design Committee is interdisciplinary and comprised of Port planning, engineering, building inspection, architecture/accessibility, urban design and historic preservation staff. The committee reviews projects and develops recommendations on how best to integrate multiple Port policies, design criteria and regulatory requirements into project designs.
Likewise, because the Port is its own permitting authority and not subject to the City’s historic preservation ordinance, Article 10 of the City Planning Code the Port routinely provides the City’s Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) with opportunities to review and comment on the Port’s more significant projects involving historic resources and designated landmark properties.
Secretary of the Interior's Rehabilitation Standards
For questions or to arrange for a preliminary project review,
please contact Mark Paez, historic preservation staff,
at or (415) 705-8674