Port Building Occupancy Resumption Program (BORP) for Tenants


What is BORP?

The Building Occupancy Resumption Program (BORP) is a program that allows Port tenants to pre-certify private post-earthquake inspection of their buildings by qualified engineers upon the Port acceptance of a written inspection program. 

Is BORP for me?

If you rely on uninterrupted occupancy for your building, BORP could get you back in business sooner after a quake.  If you’d like to talk with building owners who are in the program, call the Port Plan Review Engineer (415) 274-0595 for specifics. 

What does BORP cost?

A qualified engineer will be required to prepare the plans.  The engineer’s cost to prepare these plans varies widely, based on the size and complexity of the building, familiarity of the selected engineer with the structural system, and the extent of preparation required to complete the written inspection program.  The Port does not collect a fee for reviewing BORP submittals. 

Why not wait for free inspection?

The rapid safety inspections performed by the Port and mutual aid volunteer inspectors usually occur 3-10 days after the earthquake.  A more detailed structural evaluation is often recommended to determine building condition, and the tenant would be required to pay for it.  If you don’t need to restore occupancy or operations for several days following a disaster, BORP may not be right for you. 

Why not hire an engineer after the earthquake?

If you need a structural evaluation of your building, you may have to wait many weeks for an engineer to become available due to the limited number of local structural engineers and their prior arrangements or other commitments.  Participating in the BORP enables immediate, approved inspection of your facilities for re-occupancy.

Why not enlist the services of an engineer on retainer for post-quake inspection without BORP?

Only engineers preapproved for BORP-listed buildings may post buildings with official City placards before mutual aid arrives, usually 3-10 days after an earthquake. 

What does the submittal to the Port include?

Submittals must include completed BORP Appendix Forms A-E; a set of blank ATC-20 Evaluation Safety Assessment Forms; plans and photographs of the building; and a written plan for emergency access and evacuation.  (BORP Appendix A-E and ATC-20 forms are available to download online and at the Permit Desk at Pier 1.

How do I find an engineer to write my plan?

If you don’t have access to a civil or structural engineer experienced in the design of buildings similar in size and complexity to yours, contact the Structural Engineers Association of Northern California (SEAONC) to obtain a list of licensed engineers interested in providing post-earthquake inspection plans.  SEAONC’s phone number is 415.974.5147, or click here for more information.

Who approves the submittal?

Documents are reviewed by the Port Engineering staff and local volunteer engineers. 

How do I get my building on the BORP list?

Upon Port approval of a BORP submittal, the building is placed on the Port’s BORP list, the tenant is notified of verification, and the assigned inspectors are issued Port authorization forms and red, yellow, and green placards to post buildings with inspection results following a disaster. 

How do I keep my building on the BORP list?

Bi-annually, complete and submit a one-page renewal (BORP package, Appendix D with C & E as needed) listing any changes in the building or inspectors that have been made over the past year. Update plans and forms as necessary to incorporate changes.